Swim Workout Name: It's Saturday Live
Author: Marcella MacDonald
Date Created: January 27, 2018
Distance/Pool Type: 6400 scy
Swim Workout Category: marathon
Swim Workout Time: 1:39:00
Author: Marcella MacDonald
Date Created: January 27, 2018
Distance/Pool Type: 6400 scy
Swim Workout Category: marathon
Swim Workout Time: 1:39:00
Reps | Distance | Interval | Stroke | Type | Comment | Totals |
1 | 525 | 08:30 | freestyle | warm-up/down | 1/27/2018=21=525 | 525 / 08:30 |
1 | 1225 | 19:00 | freestyle | swim | I 225 T 500 ' 25 S 475 | 1225 / 19:00 |
4 | 25 | 00:30 | freestyle | drill | no breathing wall to line/ drill to wall | 100 / 02:00 |
1 | 2725 | 41:00 | freestyle | swim | S 475 A 25 T 500 U 525 R 450 D 100 A 25 Y 625 | 2725 / 41:00 |
4 | 25 | 00:30 | freestyle | drill | no breathing wall to line/ drill to wall | 100 / 02:00 |
1 | 1200 | 18:00 | freestyle | swim | L 300 I 225 V 550 E 125 | 1200 / 18:00 |
1 | 525 | 08:30 | freestyle | warm-up/down | 1/27/2018=21=525 | 525 / 08:30 |
Swim Workout Name: We Be Jammin'
Author: Marcella MacDonald
Date Created: January 28, 2018
Distance/Pool Type: 12400 scy
Swim Workout Category: marathon
Swim Workout Time: 3:04:00
Author: Marcella MacDonald
Date Created: January 28, 2018
Distance/Pool Type: 12400 scy
Swim Workout Category: marathon
Swim Workout Time: 3:04:00
Reps | Distance | Interval | Stroke | Type | Comment | Totals |
1 | 700 | 08:00 | freestyle | warm-up/down | W 575 **1st and last 25 Drill E 125 ** | 700 / 08:00 |
1 | 175 | 02:45 | freestyle | warm-up/down | B 50 E 125 ** | 175 / 02:45 |
1 | 1525 | 22:30 | freestyle | swim | J 250 A 25 (no breathing wall to line/drill to wall) M 325 ** M 325 ** I 225 ** N 350 ' 25 | 1525 / 22:30 |
1 | 625 | 09:45 | freestyle | swim | Y 625 for Yokan japanese | 625 / 09:45 |
3 | 500 | 07:45 | freestyle | swim | T 500 Tomato Jam Toe Jam Traffic jam | 1500 / 23:15 |
4 | 475 | 07:15 | freestyle | swim | S 475 Strawberry Slatko (Bulgarian) Squash Staple | 1900 / 29:00 |
1 | 1325 | 15:15 | freestyle | swim | S 475 sweet R 450 red P 400 pepper | 1325 / 15:15 |
1 | 450 | 07:00 | freestyle | swim | R 450 raspberry | 450 / 07:00 |
1 | 425 | 06:45 | freestyle | swim | Q 425 quince | 425 / 06:45 |
2 | 400 | 06:15 | freestyle | swim | Paper jam Pearl jam | 800 / 12:30 |
3 | 325 | 05:00 | freestyle | swim | M 325 ** Marmalade Muk (Korean) Mint | 975 / 15:00 |
1 | 300 | 04:45 | freestyle | swim | L 300 Log jam | 300 / 04:45 |
3 | 250 | 04:00 | freestyle | swim | J 250 Jalapeno Jazz January | 750 / 12:00 |
1 | 225 | 03:30 | freestyle | swim | I 225 Ice | 225 / 03:30 |
1 | 175 | 02:45 | freestyle | swim | G 175 Grape | 175 / 02:45 |
4 | 75 | 01:15 | freestyle | swim | C 75 ** Cherry Chutney Cookie Current | 300 / 05:00 |
1 | 175 | 02:45 | freestyle | swim | 50 Black 25 And 50 Blue 50 Berry | 175 / 02:45 |
3 | 25 | 00:30 | choice | warm-up/down | Apple Apricot Aubergine (Australian for eggplant) | 75 / 01:30 |
Swim Workout Name: Monday, yadnoM...take 1 set at time
Author: Marcella MacDonald
Date Created: January 29, 2018
Distance/Pool Type: 7750 scy
Swim Workout Category: marathon
Swim Workout Time: 2:01:00
Author: Marcella MacDonald
Date Created: January 29, 2018
Distance/Pool Type: 7750 scy
Swim Workout Category: marathon
Swim Workout Time: 2:01:00
Reps | Distance | Interval | Stroke | Type | Comment | Totals |
1 | 950 | 15:00 | freestyle | warm-up/down | **odd #: 1st and last 25: drill M 325 Y 625 | 950 / 15:00 |
1 | 575 | 09:00 | freestyle | swim | ** 1/29/2018=23= 575 | 575 / 09:00 |
1 | 400 | 06:15 | freestyle | swim | !=No breathing wall to line/drill to wall) O 375** A 25 ! | 400 / 06:15 |
1 | 1200 | 18:30 | freestyle | swim | 1 x 50 (:50) 2 x 225 ** 9 x 50 2 x 25 1 x 200 | 1200 / 18:30 |
1 | 450 | 07:00 | freestyle | swim | N 350 D 100 | 450 / 07:00 |
1 | 600 | 09:15 | freestyle | swim | 600 / 09:15 | |
1 | 450 | 07:00 | freestyle | swim | D 100 N 350 | 450 / 07:00 |
1 | 1200 | 18:30 | freestyle | swim | 8 x 25 ! 1 x 50 2 x 225 ** 9 x 50 2 x 25 ! | 1200 / 18:30 |
1 | 400 | 06:30 | freestyle | swim | A 25 ! O 375 ** | 400 / 06:30 |
1 | 575 | 09:00 | freestyle | swim | ** 1/29/2018=23= 575 | 575 / 09:00 |
1 | 950 | 15:00 | freestyle | warm-up/down | ** Y 625 M 325 | 950 / 15:00 |
Swim Workout Name: Awesome job Jammers...
Author: Marcella MacDonald
Date Created: January 30, 2018
Distance/Pool Type: 7550 scy
Swim Workout Category: marathon
Swim Workout Time: 1:58:45
Author: Marcella MacDonald
Date Created: January 30, 2018
Distance/Pool Type: 7550 scy
Swim Workout Category: marathon
Swim Workout Time: 1:58:45
Reps | Distance | Interval | Stroke | Type | Comment | Totals |
1 | 2025 | 31:30 | freestyle | warm-up/down | Odd #: 1st and last 25: drill A 25 W 575 E 125 S 475 O 375 M 325 E 125 | 2025 / 31:30 |
1 | 675 | 11:00 | freestyle | swim | J 250 O 375 B 50 | 675 / 11:00 |
1 | 550 | 08:30 | freestyle | swim | V 550 Vinek Madhu | 550 / 08:30 |
1 | 500 | 07:45 | freestyle | swim | T 500 Tom Linell Tom Gallagher Tamie Gangloff | 500 / 07:45 |
1 | 475 | 07:15 | freestyle | swim | S 475 Sheryl Watkins Suzanne Heim Steffan Sarkin Scott Lautman | 475 / 07:15 |
1 | 450 | 07:00 | freestyle | swim | R 450 Richie Eslawa Reynante Razonable Rachel Bennett | 450 / 07:00 |
1 | 400 | 06:15 | freestyle | swim | P 400 Pam Henry Moss Paula Miller Peg Gaskill | 400 / 06:15 |
1 | 350 | 05:30 | freestyle | swim | N 350 Nancy Blair | 350 / 05:30 |
1 | 325 | 05:00 | freestyle | swim | M 325 Melodee Nugent Miad Yazdani Marcia Cleveland Me Marilyn Karzekwa Michele Koubeck Meghan Halky Mars Nienhuis Mitsy Layton Mairi MacGregor Madhu Nagaraju Marty McMahon | 325 / 05:00 |
1 | 300 | 04:45 | freestyle | swim | L 300 Loren King Lynn Marshall Louise Hyder Darlington Laura Petrus Laura Burke Lisa Champion Lisa Neidrauer | 300 / 04:45 |
1 | 275 | 04:15 | freestyle | swim | K 275 Kim Lunsdon Konstantin Petoukhov K Fleming Katherine Borczak Kumal Barak Centero Karl Slatoff | 275 / 04:15 |
1 | 250 | 04:00 | freestyle | swim | J 250 Janice Barker John Waanders John Gosman John Wilbur James Bayles | 250 / 04:00 |
1 | 225 | 03:30 | freestyle | swim | I 225 Ignacio Castillo | 225 / 03:30 |
1 | 200 | 03:15 | freestyle | swim | H 200 Hugh Darlington | 200 / 03:15 |
1 | 175 | 02:45 | freestyle | swim | G 175 Geoff Michard Gloria Tolaro Greg Pinchbeck Gerry Kelly Glenn Partelow | 175 / 02:45 |
1 | 125 | 01:55 | freestyle | swim | E 125 Elizabeth Fry Elizabeth Hershey Elizabeth Mills | 125 / 01:55 |
1 | 100 | 01:45 | freestyle | swim | D 100 Dana McElhinney Doreen King David Moore Dan Robinson Dennis Dressel Deb Masso Dean Osterloh Derek Woodard | 100 / 01:45 |
1 | 75 | 01:15 | freestyle | swim | C 75 Caroline Wilke Caroline Lambert Chris Lewis Cesar Centeno Christie Anbar | 75 / 01:15 |
1 | 50 | 00:50 | freestyle | swim | B 50 Bill Ggeoghegan Bryan Finlay | 50 / 00:50 |
1 | 25 | 00:45 | backstroke | warm-up/down | A 25 Amanda Rossolimo Andy Davis | 25 / 00:45 |
Swim Workout Name: 18 19 20 Thank You Dynoswim
Author: Marcella MacDonald
Date Created: January 31, 2018
Distance/Pool Type: 6520 scy
Swim Workout Category: marathon
Swim Workout Time: 1:42:00
Author: Marcella MacDonald
Date Created: January 31, 2018
Distance/Pool Type: 6520 scy
Swim Workout Category: marathon
Swim Workout Time: 1:42:00
Reps | Distance | Interval | Stroke | Type | Comment | Totals |
1 | 20 | 00:30 | backstroke | warm-up/down | I jumped into the deep end at the backstroke flags and swam backstroke to shallow end wall... 20 yards | 20 / 00:30 |
1 | 400 | 07:00 | freestyle | warm-up/down | today's date 1/31/2018: add #'s=16=400 | 400 / 07:00 |
1 | 1350 | 21:00 | freestyle | swim | T 500 H 200 A 25 N 350 K 275 ** 1st and last 25=Drill | 1350 / 21:00 |
1 | 1525 | 23:00 | freestyle | swim | Y 625 ** O 375 ** U 525 ** | 1525 / 23:00 |
1 | 3050 | 47:00 | freestyle | swim | D 100 Y 625 ** N 350 O 375 ** S 475 ** W 575 ** I 225 ** M 325 ** | 3050 / 47:00 |
7 | 25 | 00:30 | choice | warm-up/down | No breathing wall to line/drill to wall | 175 / 03:30 |
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