(No wet-suits or performance enhancements)
Swim window: August 1st-8th 2015
Start: Fort Augustus, Scotland... swim 23 miles… Finish: Loch End.
Information about Loch Ness and results about the swim can be found: www.lochnessswim.co.uk
Loch Ness is a large, deep, freshwater loch in the Scottish Highlands extending southwest of Inverness for approximately 23 cold miles (37 km); (I’m telling myself 52 degrees, although it may be colder, hopefully warmer). Its surface is 52 ft. (15.8 m) above sea level. Loch Ness is best known for alleged sightings of the cryptozoological Loch Ness Monster, also known affectionately as "Nessie". The Loch is connected at the southern end by the River Oich and a section of the Caledonian Canal to Loch Oich. At the northern end there is the Bona Narrows which opens out into Loch Dochfour, which feeds the River Ness and a further section of canal to Inverness. It is one of a series of interconnected, murky bodies of water in Scotland; its water visibility is exceptionally low due to high peat content in the surrounding soil.
Loch Ness is the second largest Scottish loch by surface area at 56.4 km2 (21.8 sq. mi) after Loch Lomond, but due to its great depth, it is the largest by volume. Its deepest point is 755 ft. (230 m), making it the second deepest loch in Scotland after Loch Morar. It contains more fresh water than all the lakes in England and Wales combined, and is the largest body of water on the Great Glen Fault, which runs from Inverness in the north to Fort William in the south.
For updated information, come visit my blog: www.cuttingwater.blogspot.com or Cuttingwater page on Facebook,
there will be links to Homes for the Brave.
Thank you for your time and have a FUN summer, Dream, Prepare, Succeed
Homes for the Brave! -Facebook pages – https://www.facebook.com/pages/ABRIHomes-for-the-Brave/199613606735630?ref=hl
-Check donations can be mailed to the following address:
Homes for the Brave
655 Park Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06604
- Donations can be made online as well: https://homesforthebrave.isecuresites.com/products/index.php?type=1110
Please write “Loch Ness Swim/Marcy” to track your donation.
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